McHugh wetlands (private property)

McHugh wetlands (private property)

Boone, Iowa 50036

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

This is another ag wetland one mile from Bjorkboda Marsh WMA in Hamilton Co. It is on private property but is easily scanned from the road.

In northwestern Boone Co., at the Hamilton Co. border, two miles west of Hwy. 17, although there is no road directly west to the marsh from 17. FROM THE SOUTH in Boone Co., take Hwy. 17 north two miles past E-18/130th St. to 110th St. Proceed west one mile on 110th to S Ave., and then one mile north and one mile west to the wetlands. FROM THE NORTH in Hamilton Co., take Hwy. 17 south four miles out of Stanhope to 390th St. Proceed one mile west on 390th to Inkpaduta Rd., and then one mile south and one mile west to the wetlands.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated August 24, 2023