Mallets Creek Wildlife Management Area

Mallets Creek Wildlife Management Area

Colchester, Vermont 05446

Mallets Creek Wildlife Management Area map

About this Location

One hundred and forty-one acres of wetlands were added to the Mallets Creek WMA. The property, previously owned by ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, is comprised of deep rush and cattail emergent marsh, shrub and buttonbush wetland, floodplain forest, and mature hardwood upland forest buffer.

The area, located south of Chimney Corners along Route 7, is known as Munson Flats Wetlands. It is part of one of the largest, most significant riverine delta wetlands along the eastern shoreline of the Lake Champlain Basin in Vermont. This acquisition is part of a long-term vision to permanently conserve the entire Munson Flats wetlands complex through state ownership.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Vermont Fish and Wildlife Land Acquisition and Conservation webpage

Last updated October 13, 2023