Lincoln NF--Apache Point Observatory & Sunspot

About this Location

You are welcome to walk the grounds of Apache Point Observatory during daylight hours (7 am – 5 pm), 7 days a week. The observatory is a privately-owned research facility and access to the buildings and telescopes is limited only to authorized personnel.

About Lincoln National Forest

See all hotspots at Lincoln National Forest

The Lincoln National Forest has not one, but three major mountain ranges: Sacramento, Guadalupe, and Capitan that cover 1.1 million acres in southeastern New Mexico. Elevations range from 4,000 to 11,500 feet and pass through five life zones from the Chihuahuan desert to the sub-alpine forest. It offers a range of recreational activities including hiking, picnicking, mountain biking, camping, and dirt bike riding. It is also home to Smokey Bear who was found on the Lincoln National Forest in 1950.

Notable Trails

The Sunspot Trail (T 105B) is 1.4 miles long. It begins at the Cathey Canyon trail (T105A) and ends at Forest Road 5010B. The trail is open for hiking and horseback riding.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Lincoln National Forest Official Website and John Montgomery

Last updated June 30, 2023