66th St. fields at 126th Ave.

66th St. fields at 126th Ave.

Fennville, Michigan 49408

About this Location

This hotspot is a rural roadway, with fast-moving traffic, and is surrounded by private property. Please park safely on the side of the road and watch for oncoming traffic.

There are numerous ditches that run along the roadsides here, as well as Peach Orchard Creek, which passes near the corner of 66th Street and 126th Avenue. During the spring and fall, look for migrating geese, including Snow Goose, as well as Tundra and Trumpeter Swans, and Sandhill Crane, in the many area farm fields. American Pipit has also been observed here in large numbers during migration. Winter specialties include Rough-legged Hawk, Horned Lark, Lapland Longspur, and Snow Bunting.