Moore Plantation WMA

Birds of Interest

Several threatened and endangered species are present on the WMA of which the most important is the Red-cockaded Woodpecker.

About this Location

The Moore Plantation Wildlife Management Area has 26,772 acres and is located in Sabine and Jasper Counties in the Pineywoods Ecological Region of southeast Texas. Moore Plantation WMA is managed under a cooperative agreement with the US Forest Service, Texas Parks and Wildlife and the adjacent land owners. The WMA is part of the Sabine National Forest and is mostly owned by the National Forest Service which is primarily responsible for timber management, threatened and endangered resources and controlled burning of the Area.

Texas Parks and Wildlife is in charge of monitoring the wildlife equilibrium and recommending changes or modification of existing management practices for conservation and improvement of all resources to provide a balanced ecosystem. Fishing, trapping, and public hunting of white-tailed deer, feral hog, waterfowl, dove, other migratory game birds, squirrel, quail, rabbits, hares, predators, furbearers, and frogs is permitted under the auspices of the Public Hunting Lands Program. Other outdoor recreation opportunities available include wildlife viewing, camping, hiking, bicycling, and horseback riding.

About Wildlife Management Areas of the Texas

See all hotspots at Wildlife Management Areas of the Texas

Many Texas Wildlife Management Areas are open for activities such as biking, primitive camping, birding, fishing, hiking, equestrian activities, driving tours, and wildlife viewing.

Many times you need minimally a Texas Limited Public Use Permit (LPU - #175). You can purchase a Limited Public Use Permit or Annual Public Hunting Permit at any location that sells hunting licenses or at the Texas License Connection. If purchased online a representation of receipt is acceptable until official printer version has been mailed to you. In some cases it's not obvious when you need a permit for a Texas Wildlife Management Area so it might be better to be safe, because Texas game wardens do check for such permits.

Content from Wildlife Management Areas of the Texas Official Website, Public Hunting Lands Map booklet, and Dell Little

Last updated November 28, 2023

map & hunting schedule 2023-24
Dell Little