Fish Brook Wetlands

Fish Brook Wetlands

Andover, Massachusetts 01810

Official Website
Fish Brook Wetlands map

About this Location

Land along Fish Brook was purchased by the Town of Andover in several parcels, in large part funded by a 1967 bond issue.

Maple, birch, oak, hickory, and sassafras trees can be found in these serene woods. Tall white pines grow along the ridges and hilltops and the ski loop trail of the adjacent Rafton Reservation passes through lovely hemlock groves. The forest floor is carpeted with ferns, partridgeberry, and teaberry. Deer, beaver, fox, and numerous bird species have been observed here.

Fish Brook and other winding streams flow through this area. The trails pass beaver-dammed swamps and other wetlands. Fish Brook watershed is part of Andover’s public water supply. By protecting these scenic woodlands, the Andover Village Improvement Society and the Andover Conservation Commission have also helped to maintain the quality of Andover’s drinking water.

Notable Trails

The AllTrails website has a description and map of a hike at Fish Brook Wetlands.

Content from Official Website

Last updated January 18, 2024