Spooner Pond, North Plymouth

Spooner Pond, North Plymouth

Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360

Tips for Birding

The best time to go birding at this pond is in the autumn and winter after the leaves fall as it provides the best viewing conditions through the vegetation and brush that surrounds the pond. Once leaves begin to sprout in the spring and the vegetation grows up, it becomes harder to view the pond. There is short-term public parking available at a nearby Dunkin Donuts and at a small commercial area adjacent to the pond on MA-3A. The pond is not "roadside accessible" in the sense that you must leave your car and walk to the sidewalk to view it (there is not a vantage point of the pond that can be viewed without leaving a car).

Birds of Interest

This pond is popular for searching for overwintering waterfowl when it is ice-free. In the summertime, the pond can be a good spot to find several species of Herons.

About this Location

Spooner Pond is part of the Town Brook watershed, which connects Billington Sea to Plymouth Harbor. 

Spooner Pond is located on the south side of Court Street (MA-3A). Most of the pond is inaccessible and surrounded by residential houses, however, there is a small vantage point where the majority of the pond is visible from the sidewalk on MA-3A.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Noah Henkenius

Last updated March 3, 2024