Lake Arrowhead--southwestern end (Archer Co.)

Lake Arrowhead--southwestern end (Archer Co.)

Scotland, Texas 76379

Tips for Birding

The main birding here is going to be shorebirds and waterfowl. When the lake is low it is a good spot for shorebirds (18 species recorded) and dabblers and geese like this part of the lake and the adjacent wheat field. It would be unusual for divers to be at this location due to low water levels. There are some trees lining the bridge and the waters edge that could be productive for passerines.

About this Location

This hotspot is on the southwestern arm of Lake Arrowhead and is reached by FM 172. It is the first bridge east of Highway 281. This is very close to the Clay county line (about one mile east of the ebird hotspot). The birding here is limited. No parking on the bridge. There is a pullout on the east side of the bridge you can park and walk. This is a new hotspot with little data to represent it.

About Lake Arrowhead

See all hotspots at Lake Arrowhead

Lake Arrowhead spans across Archer and Clay Counties.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Scotty Lofland

Last updated November 3, 2023