Madulce Peak

Madulce Peak

Birds of Interest

Madulce Peak, elevation 6541 feet, has one of only four high-altitude pine forests in Santa Barbara County, although it has been drastically reduced in extent by forest fires over the last few decades. This area has received very little visitation from birders, especially in the last two decades, so not much is known about the area's avifauna. Montane species like Mountain Chickadee and Brown Creeper have been observed here recently in summer. Pygmy Nuthatch might breed here, and Golden-crowned Kinglet might visit in winter. White-headed Woodpecker, Red Crossbill, and Cassin's Finch have all been observed here in the 1980s or 1990s, but their current status is unknown. More unusual records, also from several decades ago, include Northern Goshawk and Clark's Nutcracker. Williamson's Sapsucker has not been observed here but may be regular in winter.

About this Location

Madulce Peak can be accessed in two ways. One is to hike up Santa Barbara Canyon to Madulce Camp and then take the Madulce Trail from there. The other is to get to the western trailhead of Madulce Trail via Buckhorn Road (see this trail). Both are long, strenuous hikes.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Linus Blomqvist