Dane Park

Dane Park

Brookline, Massachusetts 02467

Official Website

About this Location

Dane Park is the only passive wooded park in the town and serves as an exceptional wildlife habitat for plants and animals. It is located on former estate land. It contains a variety of volcanic formations including a lava dome that was formed when molten lava was hurled out of an active volcano, and lava pillows that resulted when hot lava flows reached the edge of existing dry land and dropped into the sea. A geology trail with informational signs was established in 2001. A wetland, where dumping occurred over the years, has been considerably cleaned up by the town. The wooded parkland has recreational trails, including an all-access trail.

Dane Park is a unique natural and historic resource. Once part of the micro-continent Avalon, the rock outcrops in the park have been documented by Professor James Skehan of Boston College as being particularly fine and accessible examples of 575,000,000-year-old volcanic rock that support the theory of the formation of the North American continent. The 2009 Dane Park renovation included a new trail system with a handicapped-accessible trail, a short boardwalk with a scenic overlook, gathering spots with informal outdoor seating for outdoor classroom use, and an informational kiosk. As part of the renovation, many non-native invasive plants were removed from the park and appropriate native plantings, including an open meadow area, were installed.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated February 4, 2024