Monterey--Del Monte shopping center

Monterey--Del Monte shopping center

Monterey, California 93940

Tips for Birding

People go here to go shopping, rather than to go birding. However, sometimes the blackbird flocks in the parking lots may include a few Tricolored Blackbird, or sometimes a raptor flies over, so the Hot Spot exists to enter those scarce occurrences. 

However, there was a time when the Wild Bird Center was a tenant in this shopping center, and it was a focus of the local birding community. The Wild Bird Center sold birdseed, bird books, bird art, bird feeders, and more. The Bird Center hosted the countdown dinners for local Birdathons from 2003-2010 that were also entered into America's Birdiest County competition, and the adjacent Whole Foods Market sometimes provided the dinner. The photo in the set above shows counters lining up for food and wine during the May 2004 event. 

Birds of Interest

An occasional Tricolored Blackbird in blackbird flocks.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Last updated February 11, 2023