Riddle Rd., York Township Rd. 292

Riddle Rd., York Township Rd. 292

Bellevue, Ohio 44811

Also, see all the hotspots at:
Bellevue Birding Drive

About this Location

Riddle Road is also York Township Road 292.

The farm fields around Bellevue, Ohio, near the Seneca and Sandusky county line, flood during certain years, providing habitat for shorebirds, mostly in migration, but in some years there have been breeding records in this area.

When there is high water in the area, the agricultural fields on both sides of Riddle Road flood near the railroad crossing, so it is worth checking both sides of the tracks. Sometimes high water will cover the road in this area.

Riddle Road traverses privately owned properties. Please view birds from the roadside only.


  • Restrooms on site

Content from Ken Ostermiller