River Rd. Park

Tips for Birding

Parking for River Road Park is on the south side of River Road and a little east of the I-90 bridge. River Road Park has a small trail system around a field and pond. The western border is solid woods, which is also protected by the Metroparks but is not accessible. Also, the southern border drops steeply to the Grand River, where there is no access at this location. It is not uncommon to have the park to oneself.

About this Location

River Road Park offers .75 mile of minimally improved trail through a ten-acre section opened for limited access. For your safety, please remain on the trail.

Visitors will enjoy fishing in the pond stocked with bass, bluegill, and catfish. A fishing license is not required to fish in the pond.

When visiting River Road Park, you may come across an eastern chipmunk, fox squirrel, red squirrel, woodchuck or white-tailed deer. Beavers have also been observed along the Grand River. You may also see reptiles including the midland painted turtle, northern map turtle, eastern spiny softshell, queen snake, northern watersnake and eastern garter snake.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Cory Chiappone