Woodward Park

Woodward Park

5147 Karl Road Columbus, Ohio 43229

Official Website
Woodward Park webpage
Woodward Park video

About this Location

Woodward is a 49.92-acre park that was built in the name of C.H. Woodward in 1960. Mr. Woodward donated the land and funds to develop this park. Additionally, this park contains an outdoor fitness facility. The western portion of the park is maintained as a nature preserve. Woodward Park is managed by the City of Columbus.

Woodward Park Nature Preserve features a high-quality oak-hickory, beech-maple mature forest. During spring and summer, the forest floor is covered with a wide variety of wildflowers, including large white trillium, rue anemone, and bloodroot. The mature forest supports a community of wildlife including salamanders, warblers, owls, and flying squirrels.

Content from Official Website and Woodward Park webpage