Haskell Swamp WMA

Haskell Swamp WMA

Rochester, Massachusetts 02770

Official Website
Haskell Swamp Wildlife Management Area map

Tips for Birding

The Buzzards Bay Coalition website has tips for birding Haskell Swamp Wildlife Management Area.

About this Location

Haskell Swamp Wildlife Management Area (WMA) is comprised of red maple swamp, Atlantic white cedar swamp, upland forest dominated by oaks and white pine as well as small areas of eastern hemlock. The property is traversed by several scenic old logging roads. The northwestern part of the WMA is comprised of two named swamps; Towsers Swamp and Haskell Swamp, which are separated by a long, narrow ridge of upland called Towsers Neck. Most of the WMA is in the drainage area for the Sippican River.

The parking area is on Dexter Lane. If the gate is locked, there is room for cars to park outside the gate.

The WMA supports a large variety of wildlife including Red-shouldered Hawks, woodpeckers, Hermit Thrushes, and other songbirds. The property also supports at least two populations of Water-willow Borer (state listed as threatened), a species of moth endemic to Massachusetts. Much of the WMA property was managed for forest products before being acquired by MassWildlife in 2000. This long-standing pattern management resulted in many mature trees, adding to the scenic quality of the area.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated February 24, 2024