Cleburne SP

About this Location

The small reservoir in the park attracts many water birds during the wintertime and it is fairly accessible from many areas around the park. 

Ash Juniper-oak woodlands occur on the slopes and ridgetops surrounding Cedar Lake. In some areas around the lake there are dense stands of pure Ash Juniper. On the south and west facing slopes the woodlands are more open and diverse. These woodlands provide habitat for a greater diversity of bird life. Bur Oak, Pecan, and Cedar Elms dominate the woodlands along Camp Creek. Within this riparian zone are also scattered Texas Oaks and Hackberries. Along the creek bed, there are even a few Sycamores, Cottonwoods, and Black Willows. These woodlands are very diverse and offer excellent habitat to a wide variety of birds.

Notable Trails

There are many miles of trails through the park. The Spillway Hiking Trail, offers some of the best birding opportunities. The trail offers a one-mile loop along the creek with not too much climbing up steep inclines. 

The Coyote Run Trail passes through the Ash Juniper oak woodlands and therefore different birds are likely to be found along the riparian woodlands. Although Cedar Lake is small, it often attracts many waterbirds during the winter months when there are fewer boats on the water. 


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Jack Kelly

Last updated December 20, 2023