Banner Lakes at Summerset SP

Banner Lakes at Summerset SP

Summerset, Iowa 50125

Printable County Checklist

Birds of Interest

Pileated Woodpecker; this is also a place to keep eyes and ears open for more southern species such as White-eyed Vireo and Summer Tanager. A summer evening may find the woods filled with Wood Thrush songs.

About this Location

This relatively new state park is a reclaimed coal mining operation with deep pools stocked with trout for a more urban fishing experience. Middle River forms the southern boundary of the park. Vegetation is thickets of scrub interspersed with some small wetlands as well as some larger riparian woodlands. There is a shooting range at the east edge that can sometimes be noisy.

Notable Trails

The hard surface Summerset bike trail, which connects the cities of Indianola and Carlisle, runs along the edge of the park and can be good for finding riparian and woodland species. It is accessed in a couple of park locations. There are also a number of mountain bike trails meandering throughout the area.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated June 17, 2023

Summerset Trail
Warren Co. Conservation