Bass Swamp

Bass Swamp

Warwick, Massachusetts 01378

Town of Warwick Open Space Plan

About this Location

Located along the west side of Northfield Road near the intersection of White Road, Bass Swamp is approximately 57 acres in size. The swamp is formed by a small dam located at its northern end. About 15 acres of the swamp consists of open, freshwater less than five feet deep, 20 acres consists of deep fresh water, and 11 acres each of shallow fresh marsh and shrub swamp. Bass Swamp is an unusual and diverse example of a naturally maintained wet meadow. Periodic flooding appears to keep woody species in check sufficiently for a diverse community of grasses, sedges, and wetland herbs to persist. The stream, which meanders through the center of the wetland, is sandy-bottomed, and sand underlies the shallow peat deposits of the meadow. This is among the most significant wetlands in Warwick. It also has excellent access and is considered a site for skating and dog swimming.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Town of Warwick Open Space Plan

Last updated December 2, 2023