Little River WMA

Little River WMA

Leon, Iowa 50144

Printable County Checklist

Tips for Birding

Birding Decatur County by Jeff Livingston (2008)

About this Location

Little River WMA is at the north end of the lake on 170th Street (note that the road does not cross the water despite what appears on maps). This spot is harder to get to because you have to go around the lake, but it is worth the trip most of the time. Here you may see birds that are not seen on the other parts of the lake. During migration, thousands of swallows of every type gather here. It is also a good place to find rails and herons. During the summer, Yellow-breasted Chat, Bell’s Vireo, Orchard Oriole, and Field Sparrow can be heard calling along the roads in this area as well. The grasslands along the lake have many sparrows during migration.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Birding Decatur County by Jeff Livingston

Last updated July 1, 2023