Zonolite Park

Zonolite Park

Tips for Birding

This is a popular location, so early morning birding before dog walkers and small children arrive.  Trails are well marked and easy to follow.  In May, there are several mulberry trees that attract migrants. 

Birds of Interest

For early morning visits, this park consistently produces 20-30 species.  It's a good spot for migrants.  Typical birds are great blue heron, gray catbird, great crested flycatcher, warbler (yellow, Tennessee, orange crowned, black and white, northern parula, palm, pine, yellow rumped), tanagers (summer, scarlet), bluebirds, barred owl, woodpeckers (pileated, red-bellied, downy, hairy, flicker), kinglets (ruby and gold crowned), hawks (red shouldered, red-tailed, Coopers), swallows, and the common neighborhood birds.

About this Location

This is a small public park behind an older office park.  The land is a restored hazardous waste site.  Parking is limited but adequate.  The variety of differnt habitats and access to water attract a wide rtange of birds throughout the year.  IT can be muddy or have flooding after heavy rain.  The park is bounded to the southwest by the South Fork of Peachtree Creek.  A local group has removed the invasive plants and planted hundreds of native wildflowers and plants that should mature into a great garden.