Kennedy Library Seawall

About this Location

The Kennedy Library Seawall is a project that aims to protect the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum from the effects of sea level rise and storm surges. The seawall is designed to blend in with the landscape and the architecture of the library while providing a resilient barrier against flooding and erosion. The seawall also serves as a public amenity, offering a scenic walkway along the waterfront and a space for educational and cultural activities. The project is a collaboration between the library, the city of Boston, the state of Massachusetts, and several private and nonprofit partners.

About University of Massachusetts Boston

See all hotspots at University of Massachusetts Boston

The University of Massachusetts Boston campus is located on Columbia Point with views of Boston Bay and includes Harbor Point Park with a HarborWalk.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Last updated January 13, 2024