Fountain Square

Fountain Square

520 Vine Street Cincinnati, Ohio 45202

Official Website

Tips for Birding

Fountain Square is an urban location with outdoor patio seating at several restaurants. Check the trees in the square during spring and fall migration for warblers and other migrants.

About this Location

Fountain Square has a rich heritage as the center of Cincinnati’s civic, social, and commercial life.

When the Tyler Davidson Fountain was dedicated in 1871, Fountain Square was simply a wide esplanade down the middle of Fifth Street. In 1970, the Square was redesigned for better traffic flow, and the fountain was moved to the south end of the plaza.

In 2000, the fountain was cleaned, restored, and rededicated. In 2006, as one of three key projects to revitalize the center city, Fountain Square was renovated to reclaim its place as the heart of Cincinnati’s public life and to become a catalyst for downtown rebirth.

The fountain is turned on the Saturday before Major League Baseball’s Opening Day and remains on until temperatures consistently dip below freezing, typically in late November or early December. During that time, the fountain usually runs 24/7, but it may be turned off between 3 and 6 a.m. when the Square is closed.

Restrooms in nearby businesses.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Andrew Simon

Last updated February 2, 2023