Big Sur coast--Grimes Pt.

Big Sur coast--Grimes Pt.

Big Sur, California 93920

"Condors in Monterey County" by Don Roberson

Tips for Birding

Grimes Pt. is an access pull-out on the ocean side of Highway 1 about 1.5 miles south Torres Canyon and 0.4 miles north of the famed "Condor overlook" at Sea-lion Beach, at approximately milepost 40.7 (not actual milepost there).  It has been a traditional place to stop and look for California Condors since the 1990s. About that time, a private "A-frame" home was built at the top of Grimes Pt., and remains there today. During its construction, however, condors sometime sat on the half-finished structure.  They do not do so now.

Currently, most Condor watchers now use two pullouts -- one paved one gravel -- just a half-mile south, called "Sea-lion Beach (Condor overlook)."  See that Hotspot for more details; the second map adjacent here shows the relationship of these two Hotspots to each other (click on map to enlarge). Still, Grime Pt. has a great view of the Pacific Ocean and a view, particularly to the south, that still is quite good for spotting a condor . . . or a Gray Whale in migration!

Birds of Interest

California Condor. The barren, rocky hillsides on the inland side of Highway have colonies of Rufous-crowned Sparrow. These are shy and difficult to see, but easier to hear when Highway 1 traffic does not interfere with listening.

About this Location

This Hotspot (Grimes Pt.), and the next one south ("Seal-lion Beach"/Condor overlook), are meant to be overlooks for condors, rather like a hawk-watch site or a sea-watching site. eBird checklists are meant to be either stationary lists, or very short distance lists.  Please do not use these "condor watch" Hotspots to enter miles-long lists of a day's birding along the Big Sur coast. It is interesting to learn what can be learned about other birds passing by while condor-watching, but if one "dumps" their day-list of the Big Sur coast at these sites, the interesting data learned from single point is badly degraded.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from "Condors in Monterey County" by Don Roberson and Don Roberson

Last updated May 18, 2023

Map of Grimes Pt. and Sea-lion Beach/Condoer overlook along the Big Sur coast
Don Roberson