Welch Lake WMA

Welch Lake WMA

Montgomery, Iowa 51360

Printable County Checklist

About this Location

Important Bird Area.
One of the largest complexes of restored & natural wetlands in NW Iowa, surrounded by restored prairie on rolling glacial moraine. The namesake lake is located at the north end and is a typical small prairie lake, surrounded by trees and having a rocky shoreline.

Take IA Hwy 86 north from junction with Hwy 9, near NW corner of West Okoboji Lake. State and federal lands that comprise this approximately 1,100-acre complex are immediately adjacent on east side of 86. Continue north 2 miles, and most lands on both sides of highway are all part of the complex.

Over 34 natural and restored wetlands, plus a shallow prairie Lake (Welch Lake, surrounded by mostly restored native prairie, some remnant prairie, tame grasslands, and a few small crop fields. Wetlands host countless nesting and migrating waterfowl, other waterbirds, and shorebirds, while uplands are rich in everything from nesting Upland Plovers to multiple migrating species of longspurs. This is a public hunting area.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Iowa Ornithologists' Union and Iowa Ornithologists' Union

Last updated June 17, 2023