North Burial Ground

North Burial Ground

5 Branch Avenue Providence, Rhode Island 02904

Official Website

Tips for Birding

There is a small pond towards the center of the cemetery with lots of shrubs around it that can be very productive with birds.

About this Location

The North Burial Ground dates from 1700 and is the largest municipal cemetery in the region at 109 acres with more than 35,000 gravestones. The cemetery is owned and operated by the Parks Department and it contains an eclectic collection of funerary sculpture ranging from simple slate markers to elaborate mausoleum structures.

The North Burial Ground is open to the public seven days a week from 8:00 am-4:00 pm. The many windy paved roads and rolling topography make the North Burial an ideal walking or jogging site. When birding at this hotspot keep in mind that it is an active cemetery with approximately 225 burials a year. Please be respectful and courteous.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated January 26, 2024