North Chatham Landing

North Chatham Landing

Scatteree Road North Chatham, Massachusetts 02650

About this Location

North Chatham Landing, also known as Scatteree Landing, is located at the end of Scatteree Road north of Allen Point. Within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, a “landing” is a parcel of land taken by the town, through town meeting action, and placed under the jurisdiction of the town for purposes of public access to the town’s salt and fresh water resources.

Scatteree Landing provides access for beachgoers and boaters. The landing has parking for about 10 vehicles with some overflow along Scatteree Road.

Scatteree was taken as a landing in 1953. Since then, little in the way of improvements has been made except for the regular nourishment of the dune to address erosion of the beach by storm effects and foot traffic. Nourishment of the dune/beach has benefited both the use of the public beach area as well as providing a sediment source to the adjacent shorelines which have had a reduction in sediment supply due to the construction of erosion control structures.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Town of Chatham Landing Master Plan

Last updated March 14, 2024