Asilomar Conference Grounds [limited to grounds; use Asilomar SB hot spots for shore]

Asilomar Conference Grounds [limited to grounds; use Asilomar SB hot spots for shore]

800 Asilomar Ave. Pacific Grove, California 93950

Asilomar Conference Grounds reservations

Tips for Birding

This Hotspot is limited to the Asilomar Conference Grounds, and must not be used to record birds at Asilomar State Beach, across Sunset Boulevard, where there is a sandy beach, a rocky shore, and the ocean. There are two other Hotspots to be used for Asilomar State Beach: one for sandy beach and the other for rocky shore. Thus this Hotspot is entirely within a Monterey pine forest plus a boardwalk through sand dunes east of Sunset Boulevard.

Birds of Interest

The birds of interest in this Hotspot are the resident and migratory species of the Monterey pine and live oak forest. Resident species include Band-tailed Pigeon, Red-shouldered Hawk, Anna's Hummingbird, Acorn and Hairy Woodpeckers, California Scrub-Jay and Steller's Jay, Hutton's Vireo, Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Oak Titmouse, Bushtit, Pygmy Nuthatch, Bewick's Wren, Western Bluebird, and Spotted and California Towhees. American Goldfinch and "Nuttall's" White-crowned Sparrow breed in the dunes. Summer brings Violet-green Swallow, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, House Wren, and an occasional Olive-sided Flycatcher. In winter, flocks of chickadees will be joined by Townsend's and "Audubon's" Yellow-rumped Warblers, and wintering sparrow flocks will include Golden-crowned and Fox Sparrows. A wide variety of passerine migrants pass through during spring and fall migration. 

About this Location

Asilomar Conference Grounds is a mix of conference and hotel amenities, including a cafe and lounge, and a preserve for the Monterey Pine forest. The boundaries of this Hot Spot are set out in the name: "Asilomar Conference Grounds [limited to grounds; use Asilomar SB hot spots for shore]." Many visitors may not understand that eBird is intended for checklists within a designated habitat, and would find it convenient to include the birds of this pine forest around their lodging with the shorebirds and pelagic birds that can be seen across Sunset Drive on the sandy or rocky shores of Asilomar State Beach. This Hot Spot is intended only to record birds within the confines of the Conference Grounds (including those to the east across Asilomar Ave.) which is entirely with a Monterey Pine forest and adjacent dunes.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Asilomar Conference Grounds reservations and Monterey Birds, 2d ed., by Don Roberson

Last updated May 21, 2023

Hot Spot boundaries (see text); click on map for larger size
Don Roberson