Magnolia Woods

Magnolia Woods

474 Western Avenue Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930

Official Website
Magnolia Woods (TrailForks) map

About this Location

Magnolia Woods is a scenic and historic area in Gloucester that was once the home of the famous painter Fitz Henry Lane, who captured the beauty of the Cape Ann coastline in his luminous landscapes. Today, visitors can enjoy hiking, biking, and birdwatching in the woods, or explore the nearby beaches and harbors. 

Magnolia Woods Recreational Area, 25 acres, is home to Gloucester’s soccer program. It has seven soccer fields and a small softball field. The park is open to visitors who may want to do some bird watching, take a hike or go for a nature walk, check out the variety of wildflowers growing in the area, and just be outside. In the winter, people may cross-country ski at the site. Future site improvements include additional parking and restroom facilities.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated January 24, 2024