Cooks Pond

Cooks Pond

Plymouth, Massachusetts 02360

Official Website
Plymouth Town Forest map

About this Location

Cooks Pond is accessed from Plymouth Town Forest.

The Town Forest is approximately 317 acres in area, located between Rocky Pond Road, Drew Road, and Long Pond Road. The Forest holds several miles of trails and abuts four ponds: Little South Pond, Great South Pond, Cook's Pond, and South Triangle Pond. Drew Road is a publicly accessible dirt road that runs throughout the Forest and helps provide access to locations throughout.  The ponds in the Conservation Area are beautiful and worth visiting. Additionally, Wildlands Trust and the Massachusetts Department of Fish and Wildlife own several dozen acres of land that abuts the Forest, helping to expand the open space. If you'd like to extend your hike, the Town trials connect to the Wildland's Trusts' Luigi and Teotista Cortelli Preserve which will add another several miles to your trip and features Pinnacle Hill.

Notable Trails

The AllTrails website has a description and map of a hike at Cooks Pond.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated February 21, 2024