Derby City Gaming at Louisville Trackside (do not enter if horses are training)

Derby City Gaming at Louisville Trackside (do not enter if horses are training)

Tips for Birding

While Derby City Gaming is privately owned, they have been friendly to visits from birders. Please be respectful while at this location and follow instructions from officials if asked to park elsewhere or to not bird at particular times. Do not attempt to bird when horses are practicing on the track which typically happens in the morning hours.

When you arrive at the location, park in the south parking lot and walk up the hill to the side of the horse track. From here you can scan into the wetland which is often full of water, especially in summer, but sometimes can host decent mudflats that are used by migrant shorebirds.

About this Location

Derby City Gaming is an active casino, but the interior of the adjacent horse track has a wetland habitat which can be viewed from a distance.  


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from David Bailey

Last updated August 23, 2023