Pollywog Pond (CTC 077)

Pollywog Pond (CTC 077)

Corpus Christi, Texas 78410

Official Website
Texas Coastal Birding Trail

Birds of Interest

Durung winter the the ponds will usually have many ducks and waterfowl. During spring and fall migration this is an important stop for many warblers and other migrants. Year round you will see Herons, Egrets and shorebirds.

About this Location

About Pollywog Pond:
In 2002, a management plan was developed for Pollywog Pond by a Project Advisory Committee (PAC) composed of diverse partners including state, federal, and local government groups, non-profit groups and other organizations and individuals (read the plan here). The PAC developed the plan to help the City of Corpus Christi Water Department (CCWD) regarding the management of the area as a sanctuary and nature area for birds and other wildlife. The original purpose of the site was to serve as sludge lagoons for solids from settling ponds originating from the O.N. Stevens Water Plant in northwest Corpus Christi.

Another purpose of the management plan was to establish a strategic approach for identifying and developing potential enhancement efforts, projects and partnerships with education, environmental and volunteer groups which would benefit the Pollywog Pond, ecotourism, the City of Corpus Christi, and those who enjoy visiting this unique area. The overall objectives, goals, alternatives, and recommendations developed in the plan were intended to serve the Corpus Christi Water Department in the management of the sanctuary and the sludge lagoons. The advantage of the management plan increases as public awareness, ecotourism value and understanding of wetland functions increase over time. Included in the plan is an agreement by the CCWD to provide water to the ponds to maintain wetlands features of the ponds in Zones 3 and 4.

To see a map of some of the proposed enhancements and areas of Pollywog Pong, click here.

©2024 Coastal Bend Bays Foundation

Notable Trails

Pollywog Pond Bird and Wildlife Sanctuary Loop on AllTrails


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Content from Official Website and Texas Coastal Birding Trail

Last updated March 2, 2024