Catwalk National Recreation Trail

Catwalk National Recreation Trail

Gila National Forest Glenwood, New Mexico 88039

Official Website
Catwalk Recreation Area webpage
Catwalk National Recreation #207 Trail webpage

About this Location

The name for the area, The Catwalk, refers to the original plank-board walkway placed atop the steel pipe used to bring water to the ore processing plant, ruins of which can still be seen near the parking area. Although most of the pipe is now gone, much of the modern all-access trail follows this original route, winding right through the center of the creek canyon perched safely a dozen feet above the creek. Keep an eye out for trout cruising in the waters below.

The first portion of the trail is relatively easy and leads to hidden pools and splashing waterfalls — magical spots in our high desert environment. Beyond the developed trail, more rigorous trails lead into the Gila Wilderness. Consult with the Forest Service before venturing beyond the Catwalk trail area.

The Catwalk Recreation Area is a day-use area and is open from sunrise to sunset. A parking fee of $3.00 per vehicle is paid at a self-pay station in the parking lot. Camping is available elsewhere in the Glenwood area.

Notable Trails

The AllTrails website has a description and map of a hike on the Catwalk National Recreation Trail.

Content from Official Website