Tri-city Lake

Tri-city Lake

Centralia, Missouri 65240

A Birders' Guide to Tri-city Lake

About this Location

This is a relatively small site with greater potential for good birding than the number of eBird reports suggests. Its “off the beaten path” location and proximity to better known sites contribute to its lack of regular birding activity.

The road loops through the area, forming circles along the lakeside and in the savannah-like camping area. Most of the lake is visible from the shore along the road and from the dam, which can be walked.

Notable Trails

Two unmarked paths lead into the woods from the north end of the camping area. One begins at the campsite closest to the lake. It runs about a tenth of a mile, just within the tree line along the lakeshore until petering out near the end of the northeast cove. The second path (unmarked) begins at the campsite just to the east of the lakeside site. This path meanders through the woods, over a few fallen trees that have been there for several years, diminishing until it forks and becomes nothing more than a deer path in two directions.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from A Birders' Guide to Tri-city Lake

Last updated June 20, 2023