Rocky Fork Lakes CA

Birds of Interest

Summer nesters include Blue Grosbeak, Bell’s Vireo, Blue-winged, Pine and Prothonotary warblers. Ospreys frequent the lake and Purple Martins stage beside lake in autumn. Marsh and big lake attract good variety of waterfowl, including divers (small numbers), and some shorebirds. 

About this Location

Three parking areas at points around 48-acre Rocky Fork Lake; another at the shooting range, all accessed via the Peabody Rd. entrance. 

1,150 acres strip-mined area in various degrees of reclamation. Autumn Olive planted as part of restoration is now being removed, but much remains. Most of the 400 acres of grass is fescue. 25-acre bluestem prairie and other small bird-attractive habitats, including 200 acres of savanna may be reached by short or moderate length hikes along old field or mining roads. 

An old railroad right-of-way runs east from the southeast corner of the main area, providing an elevated view of woods, grasslands and ponds. 

A marsh may be viewed from the dirt road leading south from Peabody Rd. just west of the entrance (to the north) to Finger Lakes SP.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from A Birders' Guide to Rocky Fork Lakes CA

Last updated September 27, 2023