Little Dixie Lake CA

Little Dixie Lake CA

Millersburg, Missouri 65251

A Birders' Guide to Little Dixie Lake CA

Birds of Interest

Henslow’s Sparrows have been present in the northeast part of the area. There is a good variety of wintering sparrows.

About this Location

A good variety of songbirds may be found in migration and during nesting season. The rich habitats accessed by trails have provided sightings of all expected Missouri species of woodpecker, vireos, wrens, thrushes excepting Veery, and 25 species of warblers.

To reach the main parking area at the southwest corner of the lake, near the earthen dam, take Rt. J a little more than 3 miles from Exit #137 to the junction with Rt. RA at Millersburg (just beyond the stop sign and merge with Rt. WW). Turn left (east) onto Rt. RA and make an immediate left into the area (west side of the lake).

Notable Trails

The .4-mile loop asphalt Dixie Woods Nature Trail, accessed from the southeast lakeside parking lot, has rest pull-offs for wheelchairs. The trail has a view of the lake with some more area visible than from the southwest lot. It winds gently through woods and a small glade.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from A Birders' Guide to Little Dixie Lake CA

Last updated June 26, 2023