Fiery Fork CA

Fiery Fork CA

Roach, Missouri 65787

A Birders' Guide to Fiery Fork CA

Tips for Birding

This is very good birding area with decent access to a variety of habitats via road and trail. It is underbirded, largely due to its distance from other birding sites. A visit in any season will be worthwhile.

Birds of Interest

Typical Ozark permanent and seasonal residents are abundant. Woodpecker and sparrow species are well represented.

About this Location

The area has about 1,500 acres of mostly oak-hickory forest, much of it even-aged, the result of timbering and poor management with uncontrolled wildfires in the 20th century private ownership period. Active improved management practices are underway. Flooding and the resultant gravel build-ups have required a great deal of infrastructure work in recent years. Low water crossings are now much improved. The main campground has been relocated slightly uphill.

On entering the area, the road in has grassland on the right, wooded hills on left. In the lowland area, grassland and forest are easily birded from the main road. The small parking area just past the first (short) low water crossing is a good place to get out of the car to watch and listen for birds in and near the small riparian/wetland habitat at the crossing. A little farther, on the left at the first privy, is the entrance to a short road into the Toby Hollow parking/camping/picnic area. This is a great ecotone with wooded hills and open area.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from A Birders' Guide to Fiery Fork CA

Last updated January 14, 2024