Cachuma Lake--east end

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About Lake Cachuma

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Lake Cachuma and Bradbury Dam are located on the Santa Ynez River about 25 miles northwest of Santa Barbara. The artificial lake was created by the construction of Bradbury Dam, which the Bureau of Reclamation continues to operate since its construction in 1953. The lake is situated between the Santa Ynez and San Rafael Mountain ranges and is the largest freshwater reservoir in the county.

Cachuma Lake Recreation Area is operated by Santa Barbara County Parks. Day use hours and fees apply from 6 am to sunset. There are five miles of hiking trails within the park, and Los Padres National Forest trails are close by. Park amenities include RV, tent, and group camping, boating, fishing, hiking, and lake cruises. The lake is stocked with rainbow trout throughout the winter season, and fishing is open all year from shore or boat. The Neal Taylor Nature Center, formerly the Cachuma Lake Nature Center, features exhibits and hands-on displays about the area's cultural and natural history, including local plants, animals, birds, and geology.

The habitat at Lake Cachuma can be good for over-wintering waterfowl, including Snow, Ross’s, and Greater White-fronted Geese. In winter, most waterfowl species congregate in the shallows at the eastern end of the lake and near "The Narrows" which is away from people and boats. During extended periods of drought when the water level drops, extensive mudflats will develop attracting migrant shorebirds which are typically uncommon in the interior of the county. Baird's, Pectoral, and Solitary Sandpipers have been recorded here. There is little habitat for shorebirds when the lake is near capacity. Both Bald Eagles and Ospreys are seen around the lake throughout the year. In summer, the lake is active with breeding Western and Clark’s Grebes, and their calls are a conspicuous sound across the water. Also look for American White Pelican, Short-billed Gull, Herring Gull, and Common Loon.

Rarities recorded at Lake Cachuma include Barrow’s Goldeneye, Tundra Swan, Long-tailed Duck, Common Gallinule, Black Skimmer, Reddish Egret, White-headed Woodpecker.

Content from Lake Cachuma Official Website

Cachuma Lake Map