Peterborough--Cunningham Blvd Stormwater Pond and Wetland

Peterborough--Cunningham Blvd Stormwater Pond and Wetland

Peterborough, Ontario

Birds of Interest

This site gets most birding attention during the breeding season (May-August) when several marsh species can be found, including Marsh Wren (common), Virginia Rail and Sora (uncommon) and Least Bittern (uncommon). The natural wetland behind the pond is best for marsh bird species.

About this Location

This location consists of two main features: the stormwater pond itself, which is a constructed pond which has naturalized with dense cattail around the perimeter and the adjacent wetland along the creek which flows into the canal to the east.

There are several access points to access the gravel pathway that loops around the pond and which continues along the south side of the wetland. All of the access points are off of Cunningham Bldv. You can park a vehicle on Cunningham Blvd and there is a Peterborough Transit stop at Cunningham and Bissonnette.

Notable Trails

A packed gravel trail winds along the southeast side of the pond and south side of the wetland.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

Content from Mike Burrell