White Mt. NF--Fishin' Jimmy Trail, Lincoln

White Mt. NF--Fishin' Jimmy Trail, Lincoln

Franconia, New Hampshire 03580

White Mountain National Forest Official Website

About this Location

The Fishin’ Jimmy Trail connects the Lonesome Lake Hut with the Kinsman Ridge Trail and is part of the Appalachian Trail. The AMC White Mountain “Book Time” for this trail is 1 hour 32 minutes. From the Lonesome Lake Hut, the trail is relatively flat until it crosses a small creek. At this point, the trail begins to climb and there will be several small wooden ladders and one steep section with wooden steps pinned to the rock ledge. The Fishin’ Jimmy trail is sheltered and is usually wet. The wooden steps can be slick with moisture and moss. The trail continues to climb after the wooden steps and ends at the Kinsman Ridge Trail.

About White Mountain National Forest

See all hotspots at White Mountain National Forest

In the decades prior to 1911, the unregulated logging practices of private timber companies in the White Mountains had resulted in a damaged landscape susceptible to both fire and flood. Fires had burned thousands of acres, and flash floods affected the water power necessary to the mills of major industrial centers downstream, such as Manchester, New Hampshire, and Lowell, Massachusetts. Concerns over losses to industry, business, and tourism, and the growing conservation movement led to citizen action. The Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) and Society for Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF) spearheaded an effort to ensure the permanent protection of the White Mountains from further depredation. After years of lobbying and intense public pressure, Senator John Weeks of Massachusetts, a native of Lancaster, New Hampshire, introduced legislation that became known as the Weeks Act. The Weeks Act was passed by Congress in 1911, appropriating 9 million dollars to purchase 6 million acres of land in the Eastern U.S. In turn, this led to the creation of the White Mountain National Forest (WMNF) in 1918, and twenty-one other national forests throughout the north and southeast. Many of the groups who were instrumental in the passage of the Weeks Act, including the SPNHF and the AMC, are still active today, and the WMNF has grown from 7,000 acres to almost 800,000. Today, the reforested mountains and hillsides supply forest products and provide magnificent recreational opportunities while maintaining healthy watersheds and ecosystems.

Notable Trails

The Hiking Project website has a description and map of a hike on the Fishin’ Jimmy Trail.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from White Mountain National Forest Official Website and Hiking Project website

Last updated November 12, 2023