Bond Island Natural Area

Bond Island Natural Area

The Nature Conservancy Whiting, Vermont 05778

Official Website

About this Location

There are few people who look to swamps as great places for island hopping. However, you can do just that within the 22,000-acre Otter Creek swamp complex in western Vermont.

Local topography creates small islands of rich organic soils which peak above their marshy surroundings. These islands have both archaeological and ecological significance and provide a solid footing for a suite of species.

The Nature Conservancy recently acquired a significant portion of one of these islands with the purchase of 178 acres in Cornwall. Bond Island is a clay knoll that houses good examples of two of the eleven known natural community types in the swamp. The more common red maple-northern white cedar swamp is home to an array of animal species that traverse its moss-covered hummocks and hollows. In the winter, it provides important protection and food for white-tailed deer and plenty of hollows for snowshoe hares to hide. In the spring, when the swamp floods with water and teems with insects, migratory songbirds flitter through its canopies, and amphibians submerse themselves in its pools.

Bond Island neighbor, Steve Pratt, is happy to see the area protected. “I’ve been walking in Cornwall Swamp for about 50 years,” he said. “I always knew it was a unique place, a unique forest.”

This unique property is home to important swamp rarities. A red maple-white pine-huckleberry swamp, one of only 3 known sites in the state, covers part of the island. Additionally, the property contains two state-threatened plants, the cuckoo flower and nodding trillium, and maternity roost sites for the federally endangered Indiana Bat.

The protection of additional breeding sites for the Indiana bat could not come at a more critical time. In the winter of 2007, biologists in the northeast noticed a mysterious and unknown disease they called white-nose syndrome. The name arises from the appearance of a white fungal infection on the muzzles of infected bats but the direct impacts of the disease are much more severe. Infected bats leave their hibernating caves too early, sometimes when there is still thick snowfall, only to find no insects for them to feed upon. This bizarre disease has caused high rates of mortality in bat colonies, including within some of Vermont’s hibernating dens. Protecting breeding grounds, especially ones with a healthy source of mosquitoes and insects for the bats to feed upon is a key action for continued bat conservation.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated October 8, 2023