Lewis Wharf

Lewis Wharf

Boston, Massachusetts 02110

About this Location

Lewis Wharf is a historic wharf and commercial building located on the waterfront of Boston. It was built in 1830 as a shipping warehouse and later converted into a hotel and residential complex. Lewis Wharf is one of the oldest surviving structures in Boston's harbor area and a prominent example of the city's maritime heritage. Lewis Wharf offers views of the Boston skyline and the harbor, as well as access to various attractions and amenities.

Lewis Wharf is located a short distance north of the Christopher Columbus Park. This hotspot was likely set up in response to a vagrant Western Tanager that would fly between here and the Christopher Columbus Park in December of 2023.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Last updated January 13, 2024