Prairie Garden Trust

Prairie Garden Trust

New Bloomfield, Missouri 65063

A Birders' Guide to Prairie Garden Trust

About this Location

Privately owned; public access April-November by reservation only. To schedule a visit call (573) 295-4220 or email

Make reservations ideally at least one day in advance. Visitors are welcome to stroll around and enjoy the seasonal highlights. A large map on the PGT porch shows the area, and a map brochure highlights the paved and natural trails visitors can walk.

Prairie Garden Trust is a carefully managed nature garden of natural and recreated habitats free of exotic invasive plants. The trails form a network through or along woods with large old trees, savanna, prairie, creek bottom, and ponds to lead birders to an excellent variety of resident and migrating bird species taking advantage of the rich variety of native habitats.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Last updated June 26, 2023