Gloucester Harbor

Gloucester Harbor

Eastern Point and Gloucester Harbor Important Bird Area Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930

Gloucester Harbor Marinas webpage
Eastern Point Gloucester Harbor Important Bird Area webpage
Eastern Point and Gloucester Harbor IBA map

About this Location

Gloucester Harbor is a natural harbor located in the city of Gloucester. It is one of the oldest and most important fishing ports in the United States, and has a rich maritime history. The harbor is home to several landmarks, such as the Fishermen's Memorial, the Gloucester Maritime Museum, and the Rocky Neck Art Colony. The harbor also hosts many events and festivals throughout the year, such as the St. Peter's Fiesta, the Schooner Festival, and the Waterfront Festival. Gloucester Harbor is a scenic and vibrant place to visit, whether you are interested in fishing, boating, art, or culture.

Eastern Point Gloucester Harbor Important Bird Area
Eastern Point is the southeastern tip of the East Gloucester peninsula from Farrington Avenue southwestward to the tip of the peninsula; it encompasses adjacent tidal flats and open water of Gloucester Harbor to the west and Brace Cove and nearshore waters of the Atlantic Ocean to the east. It contains an unusual diversity of bird habitats as described below, and is one of the best-known “migrant traps” in Essex County. Special features include Niles Pond, a 34-acre pond that attracts a wide variety of waterbirds during most of the year; Brace Cove, a sheltered inlet of the Atlantic Ocean that harbors waterfowl as well as a surprising variety (although never large numbers) of shorebirds on its tidal beach and cobble shores; and linked parcels of oak woods, wooded and shrub swamp, and upland shrub-scrub habitat in various stages of succession. The shallow waters surrounding the peninsula support significant numbers of migratory and wintering seabirds and waterfowl, especially from October to May. Over 250 bird species have been recorded from this approximately 2-mile-long peninsula.


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Roadside viewing

  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Content from Eastern Point Gloucester Harbor Important Bird Area webpage

Last updated January 19, 2024