Georgiaville Pond

Georgiaville Pond

Smithfield, Rhode Island 02917

Smithfield Parks webpage

Tips for Birding

The pond is mostly visible from the parking lot providing an opportunity for "roadside viewing".

About this Location

Georgiaville Pond is open to the general public. All beach patrons must purchase a daily beach pass or a seasonal beach pass to use the facility. Day passes are valid for one day and seasonal passes are valid for one beach season. All beach patrons and boaters are required to purchase a sticker for their vehicle, boat, and trailer, for any of these items to be used at Georgiaville Pond. Seasonal passes are valid for two years. Fees apply to all ages and there is no-charge for senior citizens, persons with disabilities, and/or honorably-discharged veterans.


  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from Smithfield Parks webpage and Noah Henkenius

Last updated November 4, 2023