Bravo Park, Zapata

Bravo Park, Zapata

Zapata, Texas 78076

Tips for Birding

The large pond in this park has a lot of vegetation conducive for finding hidden water and marsh species.

Tall trees on the south side of the park may be reached by a dirt walking track on the south side of the pond.

A second, hidden pond is just south of this road.

Birds of Interest

Waterfowl and marsh birds.

About this Location

This is a city park and, as such, may be busy and noisy on weekends. Take that into consideration when planning your trip. 

Notable Trails

There is a walking trail on the south side of the large pond that is a great spot for looking and listening for birds. You can walk east to west and come out on a road south of the library, which is next door to the park, then walk around the library back to the park to make a walking "loop."

Content from ka 1/15/2024

Last updated January 23, 2024