Washington-on-the-Brazos SP (PPW-W 001)

Washington-on-the-Brazos SP (PPW-W 001)

About this Location

The Visitor’s Center with the museum and gift shop is currently closed for renovation but the restrooms there are open. There is a temporary Visitor’s Center with a small gift shop set upin the parking lot. The park also has other historic attractions, including Barrington Plantation, which do have an admission fee. There is plenty of parking.

Notable Trails

There doesn’t seem to be a trail map, but there are several trails down to and along the Brazos River, just no access to the river itself. There used to be a pond on the loop trail with an extension of the trail leading past the pond, but now the pond is gone and that trail doesn’t exist anymore.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Roadside viewing

  • Entrance fee

Content from M Farese

Last updated March 13, 2024