April Hill Conservation and Education Center

April Hill Conservation and Education Center

Greenagers MA-41 Egremont, Massachusetts 01258

Official Website

Birds of Interest

Field Sparrow, Northern Mockingbird, Turkey Vulture, Barn Swallow, Eastern Bluebird, Bobolink

About this Location

April Hill is the home of Greenagers (greenagers.org), a nonprofit organization that employs many teenagers and young adults in environmental conservation and trail-building work. During the summer months, April Hill is also home to Flying Cloud summer camp. 

There is an active farm on the property (which was previously a late 1700s historic farm) that is run by Greenagers staff, and several fields with mowed pathways to the side. Throughout the property, there are several nest boxes home to House Sparrows, Eastern Bluebirds, and Tree Swallows. 

Notable Trails

There is a trailhead at the parking lot to the right of the to the wooden toolshed. The trail either continues up to the adjacent wood bank field or crosses Route 41, where there is a small ~1 mile wetland loop trail.

There are several fields with mowed pathways off to the sides that run adjacent to small patches of woods and various forest types. 


  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website and Paul Seaman

Last updated November 23, 2023