Mathieu Town Forest

Mathieu Town Forest

Essex Junction, Vermont 05452

Official Website
Mathieu Town Forest (TrailFinder) map

About this Location

The Mathieu Town Forest covers 5.7 acres in the center of the Town of Essex in an area bordered by Route 15, the Tanglewood neighborhood, and the Circumferential Highway. Within its boundaries, the forest offers a network of winding trails over varied, often steep terrain. The trails are open to the public for non-motorized recreational uses such as hiking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, running, and mountain biking. Thick woods bordering the Circumferential Highway make the Forest a gem for the nature enthusiast. Many large pines, maples, and birch trees are spread throughout the forest. Equally plentiful is the wildlife including deer, fox, rabbits, and more.

Notable Trails

The TrailFinder website has a description and map of a hike at Mathieu Town Forest.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

Content from Mathieu Town Forest webpage

Last updated October 13, 2023