Ferncliff Cemetery and Arboretum

Ferncliff Cemetery and Arboretum

501 West McCreight Avenue Springfield, Ohio 45504

Official Website

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Clark County Birding Drive

About this Location

Ferncliff is composed of an arboretum as well as a cemetery. Majestic trees – featuring nearly 100 different species – have been selectively chosen and lovingly tended, many as old as the cemetery. This urban forest is home to such species as the Pawpaw Custard Apple with its floppy 10-inch leaves and the Gingko Maidenhair, thought to be among the oldest species of trees, with its distinctive fan-shaped leaves. Ferncliff has six Ohio Champion plants, so designated because of their impressive measurements.

Ferncliff Cemetery and Arboretum remain a special place for people who appreciate trees or enjoy a quiet, casual stroll to soak in nature’s diversity, its sights, and its smells. As Minnie Aumonier once wrote, “There is always music amongst the trees in the garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it.” Throughout the years, many dedicated superintendents have focused on diversifying the cemetery’s growing species. Through diversification, a continual canopy covers Ferncliff’s grounds. Nursing a diverse population ensures the entire cemetery won’t suffer if problems occur to any of its tree species. Generously, Ferncliff officials encourage the public to walk its grounds and enjoy its educational role as a meticulously maintained arboretum. Each visit is sure to enhance one’s understanding of trees and their impact on the environment.


  • Restrooms on site

  • Wheelchair accessible trail

  • Entrance fee

  • Roadside viewing

Last updated June 5, 2023