Gay Head Moraine

Gay Head Moraine

Aquinnah, Massachusetts 02535

Official Website
Gay Head Moraine map

About this Location

Gay Head Moraine, 103.2 acres, was at one time farmland; the four stone cellar walls and numerous stone walls attest to this. A deed dated 1956 refers to the property as the “homestead of Thomas Manning,” who was among those who attempted to rescue the stranded crew and passengers of the City of Columbus on the morning of January 1884; his boat was wrecked, and he and the other would-be-rescuers narrowly escaped drowning themselves

This land is quirky. Its wetlands form a honeycomb near the center of the property, and the rise and fall of the various elevations create puddles of wetlands in unexpected places. A sphagnum bog, pyriform and isolated, is its most special feature. Visible from the rises are the Vineyard Sound and the hills above Menemsha.

Notable Trails

Gay Head Morain Trail
Packed gravel trail rated difficult.
Points of Interest are views of the stream, a meadow, and a glacial erratic.

Start at the intersection of the State and Lobsterville Roads. Proceed 0.5 miles down Lobsterville Road and turn right onto the dirt road; the trailhead is 0.1 miles ahead. Park at the lower trailhead. 


  • Restrooms on site

  • Entrance fee

Content from Official Website

Last updated March 22, 2024